Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Unwell Local Man is disappointed after Learning that getting a Job isn't as easy as the NBA Implies

In the recent past, two very old basketball players with equally balding heads have been hired for high paid, high intensity coaching jobs. Jobs for which, they have absolutely zero experience.

Derrick Fisher, although he has been alive for hundreds of years still hasn't figured out how to smile properly yet.
Local man, James Temple (pictured) who has been generally unwell in the past, has become very disappointed to learn that he cannot become a doctor. 

James has spent his 48 year life dealing with regular colds, several stomach bugs and even once a broken scapular, he has thus spent countless hours in and around medical centres, specialist offices, hospitals and waiting rooms. 
He has been around the profession of those who have studied medicine for years and known the environment that they work in. He has seen what doctors do from his seat in the waiting room or even in the consulting area, and several times got the opportunity to tell a friend something that the Doctor told him. James says he prides himself on the time he helped a friend deal with the common cold after he went and saw a doctor who told him to "stop wasting his time," with his general unwellness. 
Although he has never, not once in his entire 48 years of being, been a doctor, and he hasn't studied medicine for a second.

James said he felt like he has the same right to be a doctor that Derrick Fisher has to be an NBA Coach. Disgusted by being turned down for the job James told reporters "I don't get it, I have been doing this for years, seriously I got conjunctivitis as a 2.13 year old, I have been around the league forever, thats longer than Derrick has been casually watching what coaches do."

Now having learnt that this world is just outrageously unfair James has enrolled in an advanced business degree at university in the hope of one day having the opportunity to work as a junior service station attendants assistant. 

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